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5 posts tagged with "kubernetes"

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Incremental IPv6 with Kubernetes

· 11 min read

Due to looming IP address exhaustion, we've been migrating my company's Kubernetes workloads to IPv6. While IPv6 has its sharp edges, AWS EKS's new IPv6-only mode and better OSS ecosystem support has made it possible to adopt incrementally.

Here's a bunch of tricks I've picked up in the process.

An full parking lot

At my work, we've been struggling a bit over the past few years with decisions made (almost 10 years ago now) about our AWS network design. While we have a full class A private network (16,777,216 IPv4 addresses), we've managed to paint ourselves into the very sad corner of looming IP address exhaustion.

There's a few reasons:

  • Our integration with cell network carriers (to support our home security systems) requires a huge chunk of our IP space
  • Our decision to use a multi-account architecture in AWS, and that we chose to use a flat IP space across our accounts. This means our IP space is fragmented across accounts, regions, and availability zones, making a lot of that address space effectively unusable.

Even with all of this, we might have been fine... until we went big on Kubernetes.

What would an OSS developer platform even look like?

· 15 min read

My team has built a developer platform that our developers really like, and is providing a ton of value for my company. But I'm struggling to figure out if and how we might open-source it. I'm looking for advice from you.

A toolbox

As a platform engineer, I enjoy the benefits of working in a field with a vibrant ecosystem of open source infrastructure and developer tools. I've spent much of the last decade building developer platforms by curating and assembling these tools, and after a number of iterations, I seem to have hit on something that's working really well for my current company (SimpliSafe).

As our platform's adoption has grown, we've gotten more and more frequent, really positive, heartwarming feedback from our developers who really like it. This is absolutely freaking delightful, and honestly never stops surprising me.

I often get asked by our developers if we should consider open-sourcing the platform. I've spent some cycles entertaining the idea, but I usually don't get very far before it seems unworkable.

This post is an experiment in thinking in public; I'd like to brain dump my thoughts on the challenges of building an open-source developer PaaS, in the hopes that the platform engineering community might provide some insight to get me past this block.

Developer experience is a product

· 14 min read

The most important feature of an internal developer platform is that the team that builds it has to compete to win over their users.

Figure out your initial value proposition, build a minimum viable product, get it in front of customers, listen, learn, and iterate.

Platforms imposed by a top-down mandate tend to fail.

Developer Experience Soda

Over the past 15 years, I've been working on one form or another of internal developer platform. Even long before, while working at small startups, I inevitably ended up building (or curating) some little web framework, a build system, and slapping together scripts to package and deploy our stuff reliably. No one ever told me to do this, it was just obviously necessary.

In these cases, I was building a product for myself and my immediate team members, so it was a pretty tight feedback loop with the customer. I'd put a little extra effort to make things nice for other developers on my team, and also out of a bit of pride in making something that felt elegant.

Karpenter, you complete me

· 9 min read

Every once in a while, some new product comes along that solves a problem you didn't know you had, and does it so well that after you've had it, you can't imagine how you ever lived without it.

This is how I've come to feel about Karpenter. I guess you could say that the category it lives in already existed, given it's designed to replace the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler, but the effect it's had on my life as an EKS cluster operator and platform engineer makes me feel like the comparison cheapens it.

Kubernetes might not be for you

· 8 min read

Most mornings, after pulling myself out of bed, I put some semblance of a breakfast together. While eating, I usually take in the news (via the Android app of a traditional newspaper). I timebox this to about 10 minutes, which fits my breakfast-eating pace, and balances my desire to be an educated, responsible citizen with my tolerance for the existential dread I'm going to feel after reading about US politics.

Pepper the Dog
Pepper and coffee

Once I'm sufficiently fed/educated/terrified, I head over to the couch, where the dog joins me for a cuddle while I sip my coffee. At this point, I usually switch over to Hacker News. I've found that Hacker News is a pretty reliable purveyor of articles on topics that overlap my interests. I also appreciate that it gives me an nudge to get outside my go-to subjects, into pretty niche topics in tech, science, math, culture, philosophy (and interesting people who recently died) - all with a taint of delightful nerdiness.